Kamis, 07 April 2011


Taemin – Heechul Look Alike

Karena ada yang nge-request tentang kemiripan antara Taemin sama Heechul oppa, jadi akhirnya aku postingin di sini.
Kalo dari admin sendiri sih, sejak tau Taem oppa dan Heechul oppa, admin udah ngerasa kalo mereka mirip banget. Nah, buat yang penasaran ato sekedar pengen tau aja, coba cek foto-foto di bawah ini yaa^^

Mirip enggaknya mereka tergantung pendapat pribadi yah. Tapi kalo sifat sih jelas-jelas nggak mirip :)

Credit: shineebaidu
Via: shinee shawols sg

Chinese ELF Message to Lee Hyukjae

["Postingan kilat" karena cuma copy paste]
Buat ELF, terutama Hyukjae’s fans, bahkan yang bukan ELF sekalipun… aku rasa kalian perlu baca surat dari ELF China yang ditujuin ke Eunhyuk oppa. Inilah Lee Hyukjae yang sesungguhnya…
Title: Lee Hyukjae
The one that will laugh until he fell is called Lee Hyukjae,
The one that will cry until he has no more image left is called Lee Hyukjae,
The one that sees dancing as his life is called Lee Hyukjae,
The one that will give it his all for his friends is called Lee Hyukjae,
The one with a child-like soul is called Lee Hyukjae.
The Lee Hyukjae that is always smiling actually feels insecure,
So he made a promise with us to only say it once,
The Lee Hyukjae that always cries is actually very strong,
So we never heard of the hardtimes during trainee period from him,
The Lee Hyukjae that is always hyper is actually afraid of being alone,
So he always does his best to treasure everyone around him,
The Lee Hyukjae that is very silly has a very delicate heart,
So he always felt that he didn’t give enough to his members,
The Lee Hyukjae that will cry when he is happy,
What that Lee Hyukjae wants is actually very simple,
A stage, fans and friends and he can be satisfied.
Lee Hyukjae has a simple growth,
One Junsu, One Donghae, One Sungmin and one SJ is enough to say it all,
Lee Hyukjae’s brain(thinking) is very simple,
Happiness and Blissed is enough to fill it all up,
Lee Hyukjae’s heart is very simple,
There is only Forgive, Forget and Endure.
Everything about Lee Hyukjae is very simple, but is enough to let us remember it with our everything,
But we not know what pain is hidden behind that simple story,
How can it not be tiring that dark entertainment biz,
Our Lee Hyukjae only showed us the very best,
Lee Hyukjae, you are very strong actually, right?
Or else how did you managed to endure 6 years of trainee period?
Our Lee Hyukjae, actually you are very fragile/delicate,
Or else why is that part of your heart so easily being touched?
That Lee Hyukjae is always touching us with his unique style,
That Lee Hyukjae just have that ability to let us smile and cry,
Looking at that dorkish you,
Thinking whether you are truely happy,
Looking at that you with the silliest smile ever,
Is there any trace of tears that you wept secretly without letting us know,
Looking at the serious you,
Thinking if you are actually having a hard time,
Looking at the you that is always being tricked,
Thinking if that pure soul of yours has ever been hurt,
Thinking, and thinking… Just smiling like that,
My mouth is saying “stupid boy”, but my tears just keep flowing.
So Lee Hyukjae,
If you are not happy, can you tell us?
If you are tired, can you rest for a while?
If you have been hurt, can you blow a temper too?
As compared to someone who wants to see you smile,
We are more than willing to be that someone who can cry with you and comfort you,
Never ever forget Lee Hyukjae, just like we will never forget ourselves,
Royal Highness (Chinese ELFs nickname of him)?
The cuteness of a Monkey, shining like a Jewel with the air of a Royalty, that’s why we all love you.
And throwing away the shine of a star,
What we treasure the most is the pureness in Lee Hyukjae,
The silly smile on screen,
The craziest idea on reality,
And even these un-noticeable personality in him makes us want to know him more,
From trainee Lee Hyukjae until the shining Lee Hyukjae on stage,
No one will ever doubt what difficulties he ever faced,
While everyone is changing to suit and accomodate the entertainment world,
He is still using the silly way of Lee Hyukjae to walk his own way,
Can imagine how difficult the process is.
But he never gave up,
Because this is Lee Hyukjae, ain’t it?
Can cry because of his members,
And never ever thought that maybe he can be more selfish,
Even if this is the case,
There are still people that say,
“Lee Hyukjae you should be more close with Lee Donghae”,
“Lee Hyukjae you should treat Sungmin better”,
“Lee Hyukjae how could you replace Junsu in your heart?”,
Really want to tell you that if you are selfish and think of youself just for once,
We will not blame you,
If you have to forget the pain, forgive and finds it hard one day,
We will be with you,
Our heart hurts because of your silly-ness, your stupid-ness and the stubborness in your heart.
You treasure Kim Junsu, your childhood friend,
You treasure Lee Sungmin, the one who grew with you,
You treasure Lee Donghae, the one who was with you through thick and thin,
You treasure the members with you always,
But you forget to treasure Lee Hyukjae.
The one who gave up 3 chances of debut because of Kim Junsu,
The one who doesn’t like Seafood but bought Seafood for Lee Donghae,
The one who is stingy but promised to buy expensive gift for Lee Donghae,
The one that doesnt manage your cyworld but told Lee Donghae that you will always be there when he needed you the most,
The silly boy that always give Lee Donghae all the sense of securities in the world,
The one that took the public bus just to send Lee Sungmin home
The one that stayed up all night just to write a birthday song for leader Teuk,
The one that worries so much for Kangin but couldn’t say a thing,
The one that always doesnt’ care about his image in SJ shows,
The one that cry for members, cry for success, but never cry for himself,
Actually, Kim Junsu has Kim Jaejoong, you need not worry about him,
Actually, Lee Sungmin has Kim Youngwoon, he can protect him,
Actually Lee Donghae has Kim Heechul, he will take care of him,
Please love and take care of yourself more.
Everyone uses the word “Silly”, “Dorkish” and “Cry-baby” on you,
But those who knows you well will say,
“Lee Hyukjae isnt silly, he is using his eyes to see the pretty world fully”,
“Lee Hyukjae isnt dorkish, he is using the simplier way to treat everything”,
“Lee Hyukjae is no crybaby, he is just so innocent that he doesn’t know how to protect himself”.
Please remember these people are always behind you:
Teuk Omma, the one that always brings you along no matter where,
Heechul, the one that still won’t led you astray,
Hangeng, the one who can’t really speak (korean) well but says he loves you,
Yesung, the one that always complain that you dont visit him,
Kangin, the one that always bully you but treats you the best,
Shindong, the one that says he is the closest with you on screen,
Sungmin, the one that always stands besides you,
Donghae, the one that life isn’t complete without you,
Siwon, the one that always catches your tears or you,
Ryeowook, the one that always worries you can’t eat well and cry,
Kibum, the one that gently blow your eyes for you,
Kyuhyun, the one that shouts for you to come back,
ELFs, the one that is ALWAYS supporting you forever,
Eunhyuk’s fans, the one that wants to cry and smile with you always.
Don’t always give all the happiness to us,
We wants to wipe your tears for you too.
Lord’s child Lee Hyukjae — Wish that you will be happy forever.
Credit: LH97 @ Eunhyuk’s baidu
Translated by: minoko2440 @ sapphirepearls.com
Reup/Shared: minoko2440 @ sapphirepearls.com
Take out with all the credits and do not add your own
[thanks to shawolandelfindo.wordpress.com]
*langsung kehilangan kata-kata. Miris… Setelah baca ini, yang keinget adalah Eunhyuk oppa, dengan segala tingkah lakunya. You can call him dorky, silly, or whatever. Tapi dengan baca ini, mungkin kalian bisa sedikit merubah pemikiran itu.
Inilah Eunhyuk oppa yang sebenarnya. Aku tau, kita semua tau chingu… semua yang ditulis fans China itu tentang Eunhyuk oppa emang bener.
That’s the way he is… The person with gentle heart, Lee Hyukjae/Eunhyuk/our Anchovy.
<3 Eunhyuk oppa… saranghae <3
We’ll always be here for you
Ditulis dalam Super Junior. Kaitkata: , . 2 Komentar »

Super Junior’s Ultraman!

Hum hum hum… :)
Aku buka Twitter-nya Shindong oppa. :) Padahal dulu-dulu paling males buka Twitter! Haha…
Dan kali ini… Lagi-lagi aku senang! :D Kenapa?? Karena aku dapet foto baru-nya anak-anak Suju! Mana pada cakep-cakep lagi! Ahaay…
Here it is:

Omoo… Seperti kemaren, Siwon oppa emang good looking. Eunhyuk oppaaa…!! I love you♥♥ Si oppa rambutnya jadi agak-agak merah gitu ya… Tapi cakep kok oppa!!^^ Donghae oppa, lucu XD Tapi aku lebih suka rambutnya yang kemaren. Daan, Teukie oppaaa!! Akhirnya kamu nongol juga^^ Foto sama dongsaeng-dongsaengnya… Love you Teukie oppa…♥ Shindong oppa emang baik hati dan tidak sombong. Sering-sering upload aja oppa^^
Ini tweet dari Shindong oppa:
태국에서의 마지막 식사자리 멤버들과 야호! 그리고 울트라맨 등장 ㅎㅎㅎ
Indonesian translation (dengan bantuan mbah Google Translate) kira-kira begini:
Suatu tempat di Thailand, perjamuan terakhir dengan para anggota Hore! Dan Ultraman muncul hohoho
Siapakah Ultraman yang dimaksud?? Oho, rupanya ini dia:
Ultraman revealed!
Hadoh… Ini oppa ada-ada aja…^^

Shindong’s Twitter! ^^

Yes! Yes! Yes!
Setelah kemaren-kemaren ngepost beritanya SHINee terus, sekarang giliran dari Super Junior! Akhirnya anggota Suju ada yang punya Twitter juga! XD Langsung nge-follow deh… (padahal aku gaptek banget kalo masalah Twitter! Nggak apa deh, demi SUPER JUNIOR) Emang sih, banyak Twitter-nya oppa-oppa “Super Junior” yang udah beredar. Tapi kebanyakan palsu. Nah, ada juga yang bilang kalo beberapa anggota Suju sebelumnya juga udah punya Twitter, tapi sampe sekarang nggak aktif lagi. Aku nggak tau apa Twitter “mereka-mereka” itu asli ato nggak, tapi yang satu ini udah dibilangin kalo asli!
Jadi sebelumnya, Shindong oppa dari Super Junior (yang punya Twitter ini) udah nge-promosiin Twitter-nya di Cyworld-nya. Dan menurut situs yang isinya emang tentang Super Junior gitu (aku lupa namanya apa), ini Twitter emang udah dicap ASLI PUNYANYA SHINDONG OPPA.

Dan yang menggembirakan adalah…
Waktu aku baca-baca tweet-nya Shindong oppa, dia nulis sesuatu yang bikin para ELF di Indonesia seneng! Shindong oppa menyapa orang-orang dari beberapa negara. Daaan… Indonesia ditulis paling awal! Nggak cuma sampe situ, akhir-akhirnya dia juga menyapa Jakarta!
Inilah tweet-nya:
Where are you from? ^^
indonesia ,singapore ,Toronto ,NEW YORK ,HAWAII ,Philippines ,Mexico ,USA ,califonia ,Brunei ,Arizona ,America ,Thiland ,jakarta , Hi ^^
Selain itu, Shindong oppa (sama anggota Suju) yang lagi ada di Thailand ini, nge-upload fotonya waktu lagi makan! Ini dia…
Shindong oppa bilang, “Foto mereka sangat sedikit.” Jadi dia nge-upload foto 3 sahabat di Super Junior yang sama-sama lahir tahun 1986 ini. Aku bener-bener suka liat mereka sama-sama >< Love EunSiHae!
Eunhyuk oppaaa… XD
Siwon oppa cakep
Donghae oppa… Love Ur hairstyle ><
Harus rajin buka Twitter!

Member Super Junior Lain Tuntut Pembatalan Kontrak

Kayaknya kasus Super Junior jadi makin parah. Setelah Hankyung oppa minta pembatalan kontrak sama SM Entertainment, sekarang member yang lain juga ikut-ikutan minta pembatalan kontrak!

Dan siapa sajakah membernya?? Ini dia:
  • Leeteuk sang leader
  • Kangin si “Korean number 1 handsome guy”
  • Yesung si “Unpredictable”
  • Donghae si “Hyperactive”
  • Eunhyuk si “Dance machine”
Ada juga rumor lain yang bilang kalo Super Junior M bakal bubar! Tapi saat ini, di sebuah acara, ceritanya ada yang mau ngundang Suju M buat perfom. Tapii… pihak SM nawarin perfom Suju M digantiin sama Henry dan Zhang Li Yin. Di acara itu, mereka nyanyiin lagu “Love Me”.
Hoff, Suju kenapa sebenernya?? Jangan sampe bubar ya Allah…

Donghae’s Feeling After the Dispute

Setelah sebelumnya Kyuhyun oppa nge-update Cyworld-nya pake tulisan yang samar dan akhirnya ditutup tu Cyworld. Sekarang giliran uri Fishy, Donghae oppa yang ngutarain perasaannya lewat Cyworld. Tapi kali ini, si oppa cuma nulis komen di minihompy-nya Eunhyuk oppa.
Isinya kayak gini:
Frustasi..Depresi..Aku tidak punya kekuatan..Kamu?
Karena nggak ada lagi yang bisa dilakuin. Jadinya, tulisan-tulisan kayak gini bakal ngundang banyak perhatian publik. Hoff. Super Junior, Fighting!!

Interview With Hankyung’s Legal Representative

Kayaknya perseteruan antara Hankyung oppa sama SME masih belum ada titik terang. Buat nyari tau masalahnya dengan lebih detail, koran Joongang di Korea berusaha konfirmasi sama Hankyung oppa. Tapi nggak bisa, karena dia ada di China. Untungnya, mereka bisa dapet konfirmasi dari kuasa hukum Hankyung oppa.
Kami dengar ada 2 aksi berbeda yang diambil.
Untuk simpelnya, aksi yang pertama dilakukan untuk mencoba membebaskan dia dari kontrak yang tidak adil dan aksi kedua untuk meminta penundaan kontrak sampai keputusannya dibuat jadi Hankyung mungkin akan berbuat individu.
Kapan Hankyung mulai merencanakan aksi ini?
Kami tidak bisa menjawabnya. Kami hanya bisa menjawab terbatas terhadap apa yang dideskripsikan dalam file.
Penjelasannya sama seperti 3 anggota TVXQ?
Sangat mirip. Hankyung juga punya kontrak 13 tahun yang tidak adil.
Apakah Hankyung berhubungan dengan 3 member itu?
Kami tidak yakin. Kami akan membentuk official statement jadi tunggu saja.
Apakah tanggal untuk pengadilan pertama sudah diputuskan?
File-nya belum selesai. Kasus TVXQ membutuhkan waktu 2 setengah bulan hingga sebagian dari peraturannya diberikan. Kami mengharapkan waktu yang sama untuk kasus kali ini. Kasus TVXQ memiliki banyak negosiasi untuk penyelesaiannya dan serangkaian sidang sehingga membutuhkan waktu yang lebih lama dari biasanya. Kami harap, kasus Hankyung tidak memakan waktu selama itu.
Apakah Hankyung ingin meneruskan sebagai anggota Super Junior ataukah dia ingin keluar?
Kami tidak tau. Belum ada yang diputuskan mengenai hubungan dengan Super Junior.
Kami dengar dia sedang menyiapkan solo karir di China.
Kami belum mendengar kabar apapun tentang itu.
Ah, kenapa ini sebenernya?? Tapi semoga aja Hankyung oppa nggak sampe keluar dari Suju deh. Amin…

Hankyung’s Cyworld Update After the Dispute

Di tengah-tengah perseteruan tentang permintaan pembatalan kontrak dengan SME, Hankyung oppa akhirnya mengupdate Cyworld-nya, dan mengatakan apa yang ada dalam pikirannya sekarang.
Dan inilah update-an Cyworld-nya:

“Sekarang aku baik-baik saja, aku tau bahwa kalian semua ada untukku!
I love you all~~~”
Iya oppa, ELF pasti akan selalu ada buat kamu. Hwaiting oppa! Semoga kamu emang selalu baik-baik saja…
Ditulis dalam Super Junior. Kaitkata: , . 2 Komentar »

Kyuhyun’s Cyworld After the Dispute

Baru beberapa jam masalah Hankyung oppa sama SM Entertainment, Kyuhyun oppa udah update Cyworld-nya pake bahasa Inggris! Dan update-an yang samar-samar ini, setelah adanya perselisihan antara Hankyung oppa sama SME.
Dan beginilah Cyworld-nya:

Ketika seseorang membersihkan grafis yang ada, akhirnya pesan dari Kyuhyun oppa bisa dibaca dengan jelas.
Even a beast don’t bite the hand that feeds one…
I can not understand…
Aku sendiri nggak begitu ngerti apa maksud Cyworldnya karena pake kata-kata kias. Yah, aku cuma bisa nebak-nebak aja. Dan karena aku takut salah ngartiin (dan ntar justru bisa timbul fitnah), jadi aku tetep tulis pake bahasa Inggris.
Dan, setelah ninggalin pesan yang samar-samar itu, Kyuhyun oppa akhirnya menutup Cyworld-nya. Kita cuma bisa mengasumsi kalo hal itu dilakuin karena Kyuhyun oppa udah dapet banyak kritik dari para ELF karena update-an Cyworld-nya itu.
Karena itu, Cyworld-nya sekarang ditutup dengan pesan simpel yang ditinggalkan sebelumnya:
옳은 길로 가길 바라는
마음이었을 뿐인데..

Taking the right path is the
only thing that I wished for…

Mengambil jalan yang benar adalah
satu-satunya yang aku harapkan…


SM Entertainment Tanggapi Permintaan Hankyung

Akhirnya SM Entertainment mengeluarkan pernyataan buat menanggapi permintaan Hankyung oppa sebelumnya.
Lewat percakapan telepon sama Newsen, SME mengatakan:
“Untuk kepentingan Super Junior, kami akan memecahkan isu tersebut dengan cara berbicara secara personal dengan Hankyung.”
Oppa, ada apa ini sebenernya??

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